Audit of Redemptorist Safeguarding Practice

Audit of Redemptorist Safeguarding Practice

22 Jul 2014

The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) is undertaking a review of the safeguarding practice of every diocese and religious order/congregation in Ireland.  As part of this process, the Redemptorists are being reviewed in July of this year.


We, the leadership team of the Irish Redemptorists, invite anyone who has experienced abuse and has not yet come forward, to do so, either to the Designated Person or to one of the statutory authorities (the Gardai or the HSE/Tusla in the Republic; the PSNI or local Gateway/Social Services Team in Northern Ireland).


The Redemptorist Designated Person, Mr. Phil Mortell, can be contacted at 087-2252415 or by email at


Michael Kelleher C.Ss.R.

Brendan O’Rourke C.Ss.R.

Peter Burns C.Ss.R.


See Redemptorist Child Safeguarding Practice

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